8-Bit Soundwaves: A Look into the World of Chiptune Music
Friday September 3rd. 11:00am. Wolfman Theatre.

You heard right, CrunchyCo will be infiltrating PAX Prime this year to bring the chiptune experience to the gamer scene first hand. In years past, many PAX attendees and passersby could only watch in confusion and intrigue as 8-bit buskers such as Fighter X performed impromptu outside PAX doors. This time, we’re taking it inside to give gamers some insight on the world of chiptune, and how some of us locals are making it here in Seattle.

On the agenda: Live demonstration, video/audio clips, chiptune discussion including: brief history, current trends, popular creation tools, styles and methods, live performances, future outlooks, artists, etc. Panelists will include locals Gabe Hayward and Aaron Campion (KGHB), Nick Walthew and Jack Waterman (Fighter X), Celene Ramadan (Leeni), and possibly others. Panelists will share their experiences in the scene, and be available to answer any questions the audience may have!

Whether you’re a noob or a veteran, if you’re going to PAX Prime this year, make sure to join us, Friday September 3, 11am in the Wolfman Theatre. If you have any ideas or thoughts, we’d love to hear them. Discuss CrunchyCo at PAX Prime in the forums!
