New from Image Comics, Corey Lewis’ SEEDLESS takes you into a colorful wild world where the grapes have minds of their own! Harmony Treblecleff, daughter of an eccentric inventor, finds herself teaming up with a band of seedless grape warriors and thrust into an epic mission to defend the galaxy from an army of rogue grapes gone bad! Join Harmony […]
Stumbled across this interesting piece of chip-news today! The Chipophone, developed by Swedish software engineer Linus Ã…kesson, is actually an old electronic organ that has been converted into a chiptune synthesizer via a set of microcontrollers that transform the original organ tones into MIDI signals… fancy! Check out the video below, and read more on the chipophone’s creation at Linus’ […]
For those of you going to PAX Prime, the schedule of events has been posted! Don’t miss CrunchyCo’s 8-Bit Soundwaves panel on Friday September 3rd, 11am in the Wolfman Theatre. We’ve made some additions to the line-up of panelists, including the knowledgeable local Infradead, and some of the Anamanaguchi boys! Below is the event as listed in the official PAX […]
That’s right, CrunchyCo’s very own Aaron Campion has turned 23 today! I found this awesome Polaroid of him while digging through my mess of computer files. I have no clue who took it, or where it came from (and he will probably think it’s embarrassing), but I think it’s pretty sweet! Aaron and I have been good friends since we […]
Wow, it took me awhile to finally get around to posting this, but here’s a very brief summary of my Comic-Con 2010 experience! Comic-Con isn’t just about comics; it’s a celebration about the popular arts, which is what we’re all about here at CrunchyCo (even though it seems like we’re only obsessed with chiptunes at the moment!). There really is […]